- high blood pressure
- smoking
- excess weight
- stress
What is Aerobic exercise: Any exercise that--
- is rhythmic and steady
- you can do without stopping
- uses large muscle groups
- raise your heart rate
How should you do it:
- Warm up (5 minutes)
- slowly raise your heart rate with mild exercise
- do slow, gentle stretching exercises
- Aerobic exercise (20 minutes)
- raise heart rate with more intensive exercise
- any activity will do
- do not exercise for long periods of time at a level where you cannot carry on a complete sentence
- Cool Down (5 minutes)
- slowly lower your heart rate
- stretch
It is a wonderful way to shed the excess fat as well.I did not know it has so much goodness packed in the activity.There is a need to be in constant exercise so that the body is fit and healthy.