Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Great quick update from the American Heart Association

Scientific Sessions is the American Heart Association's largest annual gathering of scientists and healthcare professionals devoted to the science of cardiovascular diseases and stroke, and the care of patients suffering from these diseases. Many ground breaking discoveries are presented by the top leaders in their field and we, as promoters of public health education , would like to share a few of these discoveries with you.

Coffee may help perk up your blood vessels.The caffeine in a cup of coffee might help your small blood vessels work better, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2013. The study takes us one step closer to understanding how coffee might benefit cardiovascular health.

How long should you perform CPR? Researchers found more than half of the men studied had symptoms up to a month before cardiac arrest. The good news is that thirty-eight minutes or longer of CPR can improve the chance of a person surviving cardiac arrest and having normal brain function.

As if they'd never smoked! Certain smokers who quit can reduce their risk of heart disease to the level of never-smokers sooner than previously thought, according to a new study. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in America. Quitters win!

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