Monday, April 29, 2013

Childhood Obesity

I am becoming more and more interested in understanding childhood obesity. I have been learning about the its complex cause and about some strategies to help prevent and treat this growing problem in America.

Last week, I attended a symposium on the topic and came away more determined then ever to help fight this problem.

If kids continue to gain weight and get less exercise, there is the possibility that given obesity's co-existing cardiovascular conditions (atheroslcerosis, HTN, high cholesterol, DM, stroke and sleep apnea) --our children's generation may be the first to have a shorter lifespan than their parent's generation. Humbling!!!

A recent study just reported two interesting facts:

  1. kids who were raised in homes where there was significant parental pressure to finish the food on their plate were at increased risk of being overweight
  2. the more a parent placed restrictions on certain food items, the more interested the child become in consuming that food
Take home message
  1. Be careful not to encourage your child to over eat. Instead, encourage kids to learn to listen to their own bodies.
  2. Encourage kids to eat all foods in moderation

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