Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Usual care was no match for a home blood pressure monitoring

An interesting new study was just published. It compared patients doing home monitoring of their BP and uploading the data to Heart360 vs usual care.  American Heart Association's web-based Heart360, a free, online tool for tracking heart health where users can upload blood pressure data and send it to their health providers.

After 6 months, blood pressure was significantly better controlled in home monitoring group than in those with usual care.

This is important finding. We are gaining more and more evidence that using technology to interact with patients when they are away from the doctors office (Heart360, reminder texts to teens to take their medications, ...) improves compliance. We also know that even small reductions in BP have long lasting real benefits.

For those patients with consistent BP's > 140/90 - consider talking about using the Heart360 program with you heart care provider.

1 comment:

  1. this should encourage our patients to use home monitering of BP
