Friday, November 13, 2009

New technique helps breastbone heal after open-heart surgery

From ACC Newsletter:

The Canadian Press (11/13, Ubelacker) reports that "Canadian researchers have pioneered a new way to mend a patient's breastbone after open-heart surgery, using a Superman-strength glue that cuts healing time and reduces pain." The procedure "uses a state-of-the-art adhesive called Kryptonite that rapidly bonds to bone and accelerates the recovery process, says Dr. Paul Fedak, a cardiac surgeon and scientist at the University of Calgary." Dr Fedak "is set to head an international trial using the technique, which will involve 500 patients over the next year or two." Reuters (11/12) also covered the story.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. You can read more about this story at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta's blog (institute where Dr. Fedak does his work). See:

    It is also interesting to note that with 1.4m sternotomies each year, this procedure has the potential of reducing literally millions of patient-hospital-days, translating to billions (with a 'B') of bottom line dollars saved. Amazing! Additionally, I think it is quite wonderful that this is an innovation that will be applicable globally - not only for those places that can afford multi-million dollar machinery.
