Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekly Tweets - October 17th

  1. RT @heartdisease: How to Know You Won't Have a Sudden-Death Heart Attack Over the Next ...
  2. The American Heart Association suggests that people should eat @ least two servings of oily fish each week to help keep their hearts healthy
  3. Higher Fees for Workers with Health Risks?
  4. Aging may be able to be prevented -- the wonders of genetics continues to amaze me!!
  5. Oops -- here's the link:
  6. Cigarettes on sale on the internet
  7. A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia
  8. Coronary Angiography Found Safe in Chronic Kidney Disease
  9. Report By Nutrilite Health Institute Is First Major Analysis Of NHANES Fruit And Vegetable Consumption By Color
  10. His and hers heart attacks
  11. No link seen between heart failure and coffee intake
  12. Zero CAC score not 100% reassuring in those presenting to ER with chest pain
  13. Please --- Ask Your Senator to Support S.1776 and Eliminate Medicare Payment Cuts
  14. Ahhhh - the life of a interventionalist - 5pm, wanna go home & see my wife and kids but gotta go cath a pt with unstable angina & abn stress
  15. RT @heartdisease: 38K people die each year from secondhand smoke. 36K die from the flu.
  16. Taken at the gym this am -- Enough Said!!!!!
  17. RT @HeartsHealth: MedicalNewsToday: Surgeons Find That Statin Drugs Lower Costs In Aortic Aneurysm Repair
  18. Intervention May Benefit Trial-Ineligible Heart Patients
  19. Sleep Apnea In Obese Patients Unlikely To Be Cured Solely By Improved Diet And Exercise
  20. Its SNOWING here in fairfield, cT
    1. As I blogged about -- I'm still amazed and depressed: People with CAD Fail To Respond to Education and Counseling!
    2. RT @AHAScience: Two different survivors, two different stories of inspiration.
    3. U.S. Report Links Smoking Bans and Heart Health
    4. RT @healthy_heart: A Heart Attack Can Bring Down The Healthy Also
    5. During Pregnancy A High Fat Diet Can Lead To Severe Liver Disease In Offspring
    6. Breast cancer survivors also at increased risk for developing heart disease
    7. Heart healthy? You can do better than coconut oil.
    9. Poland launches Auschwitz page on Facebook -- we can NEVER FORGET!!!!
    10. New Blog Posting: Here's an example of the wonders of a support group
    11. New Blog Posting: The Fun Theory
    12. @heartpatients Check out my blog post from earlier today - I think you will find it interesting
    13. Hi folks! Mind dropping me a recommendation at ? Much appreciated! #MrTweet
    14. @DailyMeHealth Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets!
    15. @DrVes Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets!
    16. @AHA_nutweetion Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets!
    17. Have you tried the new and improved @mrtweet? Get great people recommendations with one click.
    18. my vitality compass at says my life expectancy is 92.9 years!!!!!
    19. RT @foundersheart: Just now: NYC bans sale of flavored tobacco products in the 5 boroughs leading nation in the fight against Big Tobacco
    20. The quest for the next great biomarker continues
      1. I'm proud to have worked directly with Dr Krumholz while I was at Yale: Hospital to Home: Another Chance to Lead
      2. Meta-analysis suggests statins may help fight infections
      3. A fish tale with merit: Omega-3 PUFAs underrated for heart failure
      4. Expert council focuses on left main PCI: Guideline changes suggested
      5. New Blog Posting: Heart Club - Cardiac Support Group
      6. RT @HealthMadeEasy: Help Prevent Depression by Sticking to the Mediterranean Diet - #Diet #Depression#Health
      7. Endovascular Aneurysm Repair May Reduce Early Mortality
      8. Personal Best: Is the Exercise Cool-Down Really Necessary?
      9. Candy Bar Or Healthy Snack? Free Choice Not As Free As We Think
      10. For young mom, new CPR beat back death
      11. Remember: most heart pain is NOT really painful -- its tightness, squeezing or pressure in the chest. Please DO NOT ignore these symptoms
      12.  ⁠ Knowledgeable Patients Ignore Chest Pain -- as I blogged about earlier today
      13. RT @RealAge: Teens more likely to quit smoking with phone counseling program support:
      14. DAPT -- I take this study to the IRB next week, hopefully we will begin enrollment very soon
      15. Lifestyle Counseling May Help Obese With Weight Loss
      16. Preoperative Biomarker Levels May Predict Cardiac Events
      17. Here's the NPR story I too blogged about -- See Your Doctor: The Dawn of Consumer Drug Ads
      18. Google Wave invites roll on, remain scarce -- got my invite last night, only problem - I have no friends to wave 2
      19. Cooling is catching on for cardiac arrest patients - I have personally have seen amazing "saves" with hypothermia
      20. Diuretics effective as second-line therapy for hypertension - I frequently add this to other Rx, works great
        1. I would agree that my ability 2 safely perform a procedure is not affected by an emergency procedure the night be4
        2. @PatWyman thanks for the RT
        3. Medical students at UMDNJ required to have an Apple iPhone or iPod touch
        4. New Blog Posting: Patient Education - We Still Have Not Found What Works for Cardiac Patients
        5. New Blog Posting: Selling Sickness
        6. Brain Seems to Play Role in Resveratrol's Diabetes Effect
        7. How being a good patient helps you to get a good doctor
        8. 10 years after, Columbia heart surgery study still causing problems
        9. Women and Ischemic Heart Disease: Evolving Knowledge
        10. Glucocorticoids seen to double risk of atrial arrhythmias
        11. The lower the LDL the better
        12. Genetic variant again linked with statin side effects
        13. Exercise Could Help Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
        14. Therapeutic Hypothermia Journal Announced By Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
        15. Association Between Mediterranean Diet And Reduced Risk Of Depression
        16. Bioengineers Make Three Dimensional Living "Heart Patch"
        17. Beautifl day here in SouthWest CT - 2 bad not a good day to be a Red Sox fan. Guess I'll have 2 get used 2 saying "there's always next year"
        18. Yes, Yes, Yes --- Should doctors be paid to e-mail their patients?
        19. The Missing Medical Entrepreneurs
        20. Medicare Cutbacks Threaten To Put Cardiac Care Out Of Reach For Millions Of Rural Americans

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