Wednesday, July 29, 2009

August will be Dr Portnay's "Get Moving" Month

Get ready for August.

I'm proposing that we designated it "get moving month".

I want al my followers to get motivated to be active - together we can get fit and maybe shed a pound or two.

We wil definitely feel better by months end.

I'll be tweeting my daily activity and hopefully you will too.

I'll be blogging about my motivation, my struggles and the choices I made.

Together we can motivate each other.

Wear a pedometer - tell us your steps for the day. Tell us how you exercised or, for example, how you decided two take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Week one will be hard for me since I will be on vacation with my family but if I can do it then, think how much easier it will be to just try and make it a part of your daily routine

Let's do it!!!!!

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